viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

Lake Amatitlán

Lake Amatitlán

Lake Amatitlan its siutated on the municipalities of Amatitlan, Petapa and Villa Canales, on the southern part of the department of Guatemala, some 28 kms from Guatemala City. The lake has an area of 15.2 square kilometers, 12 kilometers on its longest point and 5 kms on its widest. It is an "elongated eight shape" and in its narrowest part (some 200 meters) a fill was installed in the beginning of the twentieth century to make way to the train lines to the south of the country. Its deepestpoint was estimated at 40 meters, although it is certain that is no longer the case due to all the sedimentation received from its only tributary, Villa Lobos river. It washes through the Michatoya river, which is a component of the Pacific basin.


El lago de Amatitlán es un lago situado entre los municipios de Amatitlán, Petapa, y Villa Canales en el sur del Departamento de Guatemala, a unos 28 km de la Ciudad de Guatemala. Posee 15,2 km² y una longitud máxima de 12 km y una anchura máxima de 5 km. Su forma es como "un ocho alargado", y en su parte más estrecha (de unos 200 m) se construyó un "relleno" para dar paso a la vía férrea hacia el sur del país a principios del siglo XX. Su profundidad máxima era estimada en unos 40 m, aunque no se tienen datos actuales, pues dicha profundidad ha variado debido al asolvamiento, por la gran cantidad de sedimentos que entran en sus aguas a través del río Villa Lobos (sú único afluente) Desagua a través del río Michatoya el cual es parte de la cuenca del Pacífico y desemboca en este océano.

We are ALL different

We are ALL different

We're all different
Song by Caroline Figiel and Danny Jones

What animal has a trunk for washing off its back?
(An elephant)

What animal puts its babies in a pouch like a sack?
(A kangaroo)

Whose body is built for speed and moves real fast?
(A cheetah)

What animal has stripes for hiding in the tall grass?
(A tiger)

Just like the animals down at the zoo
We’re all different- me and you
Just like the animals down at the zoo
We’re all different- me and you

Stand up if you like blue
Stand up if you like pink
Hold your nose and make a face
If you have stinky feet

Rub your tummy if you like pizza
I like mac and cheese
Raise your hand if you like pepper
It only makes me sneeze

It’s ok, we’re all different
Just like the animals down at the zoo
We’re all different- me and you
Just like the animals down at the zoo
We’re all different- me and you

Jump once if you are short
Jump two times if you’re tall
Shake your body, if you have a pet
Or don’t have one at all

Look left for playing outside
Look right for staying in
Even though we’re all different
We can still be friends

Just like the animals down at the zoo
We’re all different- me and you
Just like the animals down at the zoo
We’re all different- like me and you